
Current Full E-Touch Version: 10.2.0
Current Demo E-Touch Version: 10.0.0
Current Beta: 10.2.1 Beta 22 (09/02/23)

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Program Enhancement?

Started by Cary_B, July 17, 2008, 02:27:37 PM

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Quick background:  I have a couple of friends that run a Karaoke show a couple of nights a week, and I usually help them by providing regular music between singers from my Ipod. (Small bar, slow, lots of dead air time, so I play a bunch of music.)  This week, I brought my computer and touch screen and set it up (Running Freebox, of course) and let the customers pick the music.  Neeedless to say, I think we played more music than karaoke that night.  It was a huge hit, and everyone wanted to know how I did it.  Gave out a this site to a bunch of people, etc.

Anyway, the only issue I had all night was the fact that when people filtered the music collection by Artist, Genre, etc. it stayed that way for the next person using it.  Since they didn't realize it, they thought there was less music than there really was. (Oh, and one crash, just after turning on the software, and showing the bartender how to use it, I was moving the ABC slider around just after loading the software, up and down quickly, and it error'd out with error 51 (I think). Restarting the software, and it worked perfectly from then on.  Not using the random function. Not sure what caused this.)

What I am looking for is a setting in the Jukebox to auto unfilter after a song is selected, or when the now playing screen kicks in, or something. Or even just after a specified time of no use, that way when a new person picks a song, the whole library is visible again.

Second, how about the ability to have multiple config settings saved, so I can have one with the config turned off completely, one set up for home use, etc.  Maybe a setting to run Freebox.exe/config.1, etc so I can more easily change settings regularly.

Again, the software was a huge hit.  The bars jukebox has 100 cd's on it, and everyone knows them by heart.  Having around 800 new cd's available was amazing to them.


I'm pretty sure Barcrest was looking at multiple configs for just that. Well not for bar use, but maybe party mode and maybe normal or whatever.

I asked earlier about the filter and maybe a timer that would result to all, but I was told its adding another timer. Maybe we can get after a song or two is played it will switch to all?
I'm not around 100% so please feel free to PM if you need direct help. Trust me I'm not ignoring you in a post. ;)


You guys are right i will add it to the app...

When it switches to attract mode i will make it default back to the default library you have set in the options. This will be in the next release.

I will offer multiple options ini file, with a new save as button in the options.

Check out the next version for these and other options.
Keep on Rocking in the Free World \m/ ;D\m/

Jukebox Stats...


Thanks a bunch, this software just keeps getting better and better. And of course the support is top notch.  I keep telling other people about it.  I hope they got off their lazy butts and buy a copy and run it.   ;D


Hey, it's probably illegal to play that music, but who cares ::)

Can you get some pics of people using it?