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broadcasting what's playing

Started by mfacer, June 11, 2008, 02:40:22 PM

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I've seen people on here with what they're listening to - is that being driven from the jukebox?? I've got a TV system set up at home so that I can watch what ever is on the PC on every TV in the house... if I could broadcast across the localhost (network) then I can pick that up on the TV PC and show the album art on TV's around the house... oooh the posibilities!!


Freebox generates a small JPG and people are using a bat file to FTP that to the web... There is a guide how to do this and also upload you jukebox stats somewhere. I forget now it's been a while since i worked on that.... Freebox really does need more documentation  :downer

That link should tell you what you need.
Keep on Rocking in the Free World \m/ ;D\m/

Jukebox Stats...


where is the JPG generated? I couldnt really find anything in that thread to say where information is posted on what's currently playing.

The data I'd need would be

Currently playing: Artist, album, track, path-to-cd-cover.jpg

and maybe...

Coming up next (from the queue...) - same details as above.

Is that possible? I can code the front end, just those details in a text file or xml or something I can read with PHP!! Just put somewhere in the program folder. Then I can read in using the jukebox's IP.


Look in the XML dev thred, what you want might be in there.
Keep on Rocking in the Free World \m/ ;D\m/

Jukebox Stats...


it seems there are people discussing what I need, but nowhere does it seem to say where the files are! I guess it was some time ago now!!

I've seen that in user_history I could get the last track in that file for the "now playing" and for coming up next, I can check the queue.upl file.

It'd just be much easier if somehow the software, when it changed to the next track wrote a file called "now_playing" with the data. I could then just read that! :)

My front end script could be a simple web page that refreshes every 2 seconds maybe, that would probably be updated enough! Or maybe another program which sits as an "add-on" - you enter the path of the file "now_playing" and it will display the information.


I need to check but i think it puts it in the freebox folder. I then made it call a bat file evertime a song was added to update this info. the requried web file supplied by screaming are around somewhere, i need to look on my own pc at home.
Keep on Rocking in the Free World \m/ ;D\m/

Jukebox Stats...


ok cool - thanks!! I dont need to FTP or anything - just have a file is all :) !


Yeah I began to write a howtp once, but lost the files. Mine in my Sig are a left over from long time ago.
I'm not around 100% so please feel free to PM if you need direct help. Trust me I'm not ignoring you in a post. ;)


so the file in your sig must be a remote PHP script generating an image based on a file generated from freebox?

Hope someone has something, somewhere I can have a look at! Very keen to get it working!! :)


Quote from: mfacer on June 12, 2008, 08:12:01 AM
so the file in your sig must be a remote PHP script generating an image based on a file generated from freebox?

Hope someone has something, somewhere I can have a look at! Very keen to get it working!! :)

No the image in his sig is generated by freebox and dumped into the freebox directory. Freebox then called a BAT file to upload it to a website...
Keep on Rocking in the Free World \m/ ;D\m/

Jukebox Stats...


Yeah its pretty simple. I wonder if coffee still has the files since I noticed he uses it too. I'll drop him a PM. ;)
I'm not around 100% so please feel free to PM if you need direct help. Trust me I'm not ignoring you in a post. ;)



Im still trying to track down the files. I need to fix mine as well. ;)
I'm not around 100% so please feel free to PM if you need direct help. Trust me I'm not ignoring you in a post. ;)


any updates on this?

just a recap: I'd LOVE freebox to simply write a file with (maybe) some XML data (or simlar) with what is playing... and what's up next in the queue....

It could be any format actually, so long as it's the same each time. I can then write a pretty flash front end to read in the file and display cover art. I want to then display this on the TVs around my house.

so does anyone have anything like this?? I'll obviously share my end result once done!! (should anyone be interested!)


Creat a bat file called test.bat


ftp -n -s:test.scp


cd /public_html/freejukebox/files/
put User_history.dat
put Random_history.dat
cd /public_html/
put forum.jpg

Replace the username and password in test.scp with your username and password for your ftp site. That iwll copy the jpg to your site and also the 2 datafiles.

The attachment contains the files to do the web stuff for you. Hopefully with this you can work it all out.
Keep on Rocking in the Free World \m/ ;D\m/

Jukebox Stats...