
Current Full E-Touch Version: 10.2.0
Current Demo E-Touch Version: 10.0.0
Current Beta: 10.2.1 Beta 22 (09/02/23)

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broadcasting what's playing

Started by mfacer, June 11, 2008, 02:40:22 PM

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Coolness, I've been looking for those files.
I'm not around 100% so please feel free to PM if you need direct help. Trust me I'm not ignoring you in a post. ;)


Wow, works really well, got it working right away... Barry, can you make teh forum.jpg/bmp file skinnable? Would be cool to have teh BnB Now Playing screen show up via the web, and also I see on the page it says "Not Done Yet" I take it that those pages weren't completed. Hopefully mfacer has some good php skills to make this a great option. Wonder if there would ever be a way to have a web frontend for terminal boxes (just a dream...) to control the jukebox.


On the web page terminal idea, I found this program CompControl which is a little service that runs on your PC that listens on whatever port you want it to, and allows you to send commands to it via a webpage written in HTML. If there was someone on here that could write a web frontend to send commands to the jukebox that might be an idea. Just a thought....


Those PHP pages were going to allow some basic control over your juke by creating a file that the juke downloads when it does it's upload. I wanted to offer the freebox jukebox options screens via the web allowing you to create an ini file via the web page that freebox then pulled down and loaded.

Coffee needs some more work doing on those PHP pages for licing requirements in SA so i could really do with some help on those because screaming seems to be a little AWOL right now.

As for skining that box it should be pretty easy. I'll put support in for it.
Keep on Rocking in the Free World \m/ ;D\m/

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