
Current Full E-Touch Version: 10.2.0
Current Demo E-Touch Version: 10.0.0
Current Beta: 10.2.1 Beta 22 (09/02/23)

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General Discussion / play lists
Last post by its-smee - July 20, 2024, 07:18:42 AM
I have started to use the play list option and have noticed "add all to play list" is available on every skin but "add to play list" for a single song is only available on a small number of skins.  Is the button hidden or never included in every skin.  It's not an issue as I have identified each skin I can load to add individual songs.

Support and Bug Reports / Mp3 error
Last post by Flick - July 16, 2024, 10:40:47 AM
Hi guys I am new to etouch and had this set up by someone. All music was uploaded and working fine on etouch, however I ripped one of my albums in mp3, added it to music folder, went to config and when I generated the library it started going through all of the music that was already uploaded and a lot of it was coming up with mp3 error, even though it was already loaded up and working. The new album I tried also had same error. Now on etouch the albums that were already on and working now have the icon but dont work when you click on them.

Could anyone offer advice to solve this please ?

Also am I uploading correctly as it seems as though it would take a long time to generate the library each time if you had a huge playlist and only wanted to add a few tracks to it.

Thankfully in advance
Skin Support / Rounded edges for covers?
Last post by Risim - July 14, 2024, 11:19:53 PM
Is this hard to implement? I think rounded corner edges will make etouch look more modern
General Discussion / Skin Tool issue
Last post by Norman Marshall - July 11, 2024, 08:01:26 PM
Hi, I'm wanting to tinker around with the Blue Neon skin but for some reason the skin tool isn't picking it up, I have it set as my default skin when I open etouch, when I click on the skin selection its showing the 8 skins I have in their, but only the touch genie skin shows in the skin tool, I have installed outside of program files and I'm using the latest release 10.2.1, just wondering if I'm doing something wrong or is it a bug, would it help if I installed the beta version instead, any help is much appreciated
General Discussion / Re: Site Down
Last post by Barcrest - June 28, 2024, 10:22:26 AM
Good to hear from you man. Lots going on at home so virtually no time to do anything outside of that right now. I really want to make some final fixes to this like tidying up some stuff that wasn't complete in the skin tool. Just general polishing really but I have not switched on the dev PC in over a month. Hoping to get some free time in August to do some stuff.
General Discussion / Re: Site Down
Last post by Mark Norville - June 22, 2024, 01:25:43 PM
Typical Brummie, always changing your minds like the weather.

Glad to see the place is back open, I was looking for music video taggers, and decided to have a look to see if it had gone completely, bit of a shock to find it open still.

Hopefully, you get some sales to pay for the hosting, as soon as you get no sales, that is when you need to think about closing, but if you can get a few sales then at least it is a trickle of money coming in, especially if you do not have to do a lot now.

I pretty much have nothing to do with music any more, I never listen to the stuff anyway, but was a fun ride having my own touch screen jukebox, I still have the monitor so never know, I might get back into it, if I can make it look like a proper jukebox instead of crap vinyl wrap.

Hope you are all keeping well.


Support and Bug Reports / Re: Registry key
Last post by Barcrest - June 20, 2024, 10:20:05 AM
You should have access to the V5 releases section on here that should let you download it. I don't have the older key info as they were lost when I had a hard drive crash a good few years back.
General Discussion / Re: Site Down
Last post by Barcrest - June 20, 2024, 10:17:07 AM
Yeah I had closed it down but never got around to cancelling the web hosting so I opened it back up as it was easier to do that with it still existing.
General Discussion / Re: E-touch Fonts
Last post by Barcrest - June 20, 2024, 10:15:50 AM
The fonts are specified in the skin. So you could open the skin tool and change it there however it will use that font for anything using that label.
General Discussion / Re: Site Down
Last post by Aussie-Adam - June 13, 2024, 09:06:30 AM
I am a member of a few jukebox pages on Facebook, and mentioned E-Touch ... hopefully that should bring a few new ppl in.  :)