
Current Full E-Touch Version: 10.2.0
Current Demo E-Touch Version: 10.0.0
Current Beta: 10.2.1 Beta 22 (09/02/23)

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Skin Support / Re: resizing skin problems
Last post by Barcrest - January 30, 2023, 02:45:16 PM
It is probably best to do it manually. The resize tool shouldn't be too off with it's working but will always require manual tweaking. It was originally designed to increse the resolution of the existing skins so they maybe an issue downsizing them,
General Discussion / Re: History deletion problem
Last post by Barcrest - January 30, 2023, 02:33:31 PM
Sounds like this is a bug, are you using the history edit tool? If you tell me exactly how you are getting the error I will try and recreate it and fix it.
General Discussion / History deletion problem
Last post by ajs1544 - January 30, 2023, 09:19:52 AM
Im trying to delete some of my history as in older than 360 days and it crashes with a mismatch13 error every time even if i try to make it more or less days, is the only way round this to lose all my history as it actually goes back to 2016.?

Sorry just thought should probably be in support...apologies
General Discussion / Re: Happy Christmas & New Year...
Last post by berrywell - January 24, 2023, 08:34:40 PM
Bit late but would like to wish you all a Happy New year too.
Skin Support / Re: resizing skin problems
Last post by berrywell - January 24, 2023, 08:09:35 PM
Unfortunately the resize tool can be a bit hit and miss, you would probably need to manually resize the background images in a separate graphic editing software, like GIMP or Photoshop.

To be honest it would most likely be easier to go through the skin and resize everything manually to get it to work on 1366x768 resolution.
Skin Support / Re: Editing Berrywell Retro V2...
Last post by berrywell - January 24, 2023, 08:05:22 PM
I know this was a while ago but...

If it's the original 'Retro Skin' then I didn't make Karaoke & Radio buttons for it.

If you are using the Retro Skin V2 then they are located under the 'Filter On' window in the Album View page.

Quote from: its-smee on October 26, 2022, 03:57:54 PMI extended the skin size to 1920 wide but the only items that came into view was a web cam button and a free spin button off to the right. would he have made it even bigger?  so still haven't found the Karaoke and Radio buttons.  I also can't see the original Audio and Video buttons. they must be hidden under another screen.

After extending the skin size to find those buttons you would also need to increase the size of the size of the 'Album View' page too, the original buttons in the original Retro Skin are located just off to the right of the viewable page.

Hope that helps, assuming you're still around.
News / Jukeboxes
Last post by Barcrest - January 10, 2023, 09:47:37 PM
A touchscreen jukebox is a digital jukebox that allows users to select and play songs or music videos using a touch-sensitive screen. These jukeboxes typically have a large library of songs and videos stored on a computer or server, which can be accessed and controlled through the touch screen interface.

The touch screen interface on a touchscreen jukebox is typically very user-friendly, with large, easy-to-see buttons and a simple menu system. Users can typically search for songs or artists by name, browse through different genres or playlists, and create their own playlists. Some touchscreen jukeboxes also allow users to rate songs, view lyrics, and share their favorite songs on social media.

A touchscreen jukebox can be connected to a variety of speakers and audio systems, so the music can be played through a variety of different setups, from small speakers at a bar or restaurant, to large sound systems at a club or concert venue.

These jukeboxes also have a variety of coin and cash acceptors, and the operation for them can be either free for the establishment's costumers or commercial, where customers are required to put some money in order to play the songs.

Overall, touchscreen jukeboxes offer a convenient, interactive way for people to enjoy music, and they're a great addition to any venue where people gather to socialize and have fun.
General Discussion / Re: Happy Christmas & New Year...
Last post by Aussie-Adam - December 31, 2022, 05:24:19 AM
Merry Xmas and happy New Years, all !!!

From us all downunder !
General Discussion / Re: Happy Christmas & New Year...
Last post by Norman Marshall - December 29, 2022, 08:32:50 PM
Merry Christmas everyone and all the best for 2023
Support and Bug Reports / Re: Computer died but hard-dri...
Last post by Barcrest - December 29, 2022, 07:48:54 PM