
Current Full E-Touch Version: 10.2.0
Current Demo E-Touch Version: 10.0.0
Current Beta: 10.2.1 Beta 22 (09/02/23)

Main Menu

V9.0.04 Demo Released

Started by Barcrest, March 30, 2015, 05:58:44 PM

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Main App:
BUG: Clean screen and online options buttons were swapped (FIXED)
BUG: Banner didn't clear if current artist didn't have a banner and previous one still showed (FIXED)
BUG: Legacy skin loading caused an error (FIXED)
BUG: Close button on BIOS screen was transparent (FIXED)
BUG: Bios back drop loaded into wrong window (FIXED)
BUG: If attract mode kicked in and then you selected an album, RSS and BIOS would still be showing if they were before. (FIXED)
BUG: Some of the ordering was wrong on the BIOS screen so the test was behind the fanart (FIXED)
BUG: Bios, Album Description and Review were not formatted correctly (FIXED)
BUG: Fanart and Bio didn't work when artist had The in the name with name swap (FIXED)
BUG: Legacy skins didn't load the jump to letter bar (FIXED)
BUG: Arrows to scroll up and down album track list disappeared when selecting items from quickjump (FIXED)
BUG: Previous album cover was shown on BIOS if no cover existed (FIXED)
BUG: Filter By Artists didn't show artist images (FIXED)
BUG: Banner didn't drop to back until a banner was loaded (FIXED)
BUG: Vouchers didn't work (FIXED)
BUG: Free credits awarded didn't update the credit label right away. (FIXED)
BUG: When jingle played track confirmation screen was shown if enabled (FIXED)
BUG: If you hide blocked genres the slider didn't work (FIXED, Now deletes LRS and LSC files to be recreated)
BUG: Now playing fanart didn't show after no song playing event (FIXED)
BUG: Showed jingle added to queue on second screen when jingle played (FIXED)
BUG: Jingles loop if no queue and random play isn't turned on. (FIXED)
BUG: E-touch moods didn't auto start if enabled (FIXED)
BUG: Sports RSS could crash if it returned a NULL Value (FIXED)
BUG: Video available button was only matching on CASE  (FIXED)
BUG: Default fanart didn't work (FIXED Restored to previous behavior)
BUG: Default fanart didn't work for RSS or Bios screen (FIXED)
BUG: If now playing was set for second screen video didn't size and show correctly (FIXED)
BUG: Default fanart didn't show on play options screen (FIXED)
BUG: Fanart settings wasn't saved correctly (FIXED)
BUG: When random was playing and user song was selected it didn't crossfade (FIXED)
BUG: On single screen it would not advance to the next song (FIXED)
BUG: On single screen virtual LED would throw up an error (FIXED)
BUG: Key shortcut to skip song didn't work (FIXED)
BUG: Skipping track during crossfade causes issues on dual screen
BUG: voucher.dat didn't work correctly
BUG: Songfacts didn't work correctly when crossfading (FIXED)
BUG: 2 songs would play at the same time if a song was selected while random was crossfading or play now was used while crossfading (FIXED)
BUG: forum.jpg wasn't creating (FIXED)
BUG: If crossfade duration was set to 0 it didn't turn it off (FIXED)
BUG: Using second screen with crossfade turned off still showed a blank screen (FIXED)
BUG: Second screen also showed a black screen on first song/video if no start up tune was used. (FIXED)
BUG: If set to only show videos on second screen it didn't work (FIXED)
BUG: When nothing was playing it didn't show no song playing and clear last song artwork (FIXED)
BUG: Jingles didn't play if crossfade was turned off (FIXED)
BUG: If no DB's were found it tried to launch config 8 not config 9 (
BUG: Song Facts backdrop didn't load onto second_media songfacts banner (FIXED)
BUG: Songfacts don't work for first song played (FIXED)
BUG: Songfacts could drop behind video if show added on second screen was turned on (FIXED)
BUG: Banners were behind fanart so always looked transparent (FIXED)
BUG: Songfacts were searched when a jingle was played (FIXED)
BUG: If title divider isn't found then only show from online_title_start (FIXED)
BUG: Searching screen wasn't shown if search results were returned and search online was pressed (FIXED)
BUG: If second screen was set to videos only it still showed VIS for streamed songs (FIXED)
BUG: Streamed songs could hang the jukebox queue (FIXED)
BUG: default.txt wasn't loaded from online providers. (FIXED)
BUG: random volume level didn't set. (FIXED)
BUG: search tabs for search audio, search video, search karaoke and search all were wrong (FIXED)
BUG: random volume level didn't set. (FIXED)
BUG: Second LED sign type didn't load correctly on start up. (FIXED)
BUG: If second screen was set for videos only it would show at start until a track played. (FIXED)
BUG: Cover swipe animation was broken and no longer worked (FIXED)
BUG: Cover swipe animation was scrolling some of the page off screen when it shouldn't(FIXED)
BUG: Online search results screens all tabs search all libraries not selected one say audio (FIXED)
BUG: Tried to create Random folder for profiles if it already existed (FIXED)
BUG: Related artists were not shown (FIXED)
BUG: Crossfading had a crash on first crossfade (FIXED)
BUG: If jingle was set to play over crossfade it only started after 1st song faded down (FIXED)
BUG: Volume would jump around when jingle was set to play over crossfade
BUG: If related artist didn't exist using E-Touch DJ it could go into a loop, not it finds a song from matching genre (FIXED)
BUG: If current song had a blank genre E-Touch DJ wouldn't play anything if there were no related artists either (FIXED)
BUG: Volume up/down key shortcuts didn't work (FIXED)
BUG: E-touch DJ is on by default if random is enabled. (FIXED)
BUG: E-Touch DJ checkbox doesn't save value. (FIXED)
BUG: Crossfading could stop videos showing on second screen (FIXED)
BUG: Path not found error when getting data from web (FIXED)
BUG: Related artists were not saving in the correct folder (FIXED)
BUG: E-Touch DJ wouldn't load correct genre if related wasn't found (FIXED)
BUG: E-touch DJ would pick one related artist, if that wasn't found it wouldn't try the others (FIXED)
BUG: E-Touch DJ would hang if the related artist file wasn't found, no picks from same genre as designed (FIXED)
BUG: If song was picked by terminal confirmation showed on master when song entered queue. (FIXED)
BUG: Free credit total to display free credit chance incremented on master when song added by terminal (FIXED)
BUG: On various artist albums related artists were occasionally showing up (FIXED)
BUG: E-touch dj could try and play an invalid file (FIXED)
BUG: E-touch dj could error reading related artist file if not all 5 artists were in it. (FIXED)
BUG: If genres were always shown album paging was messed up. (FIXED)
BUG: Search For: Predictive search was not showing (FIXED)
BUG: E-touch DJ could error if too many related artists were found (FIXED)
BUG: E-touch DJ wanted the title and artist tags to match case otherwise it didn't see them as being the same (FIXED)
BUG: logo.jpg wasn't loading with the /L command (FIXED)
BUG: E-touch DJ could go in a loop if related wasn't found, now falls back to normal random play settings (FIXED)
BUG: If happy hour is on and then unchecked and credits turned on display still showed FREEPLAY (FIXED)
BUG: If a skin had genres shown all the time and a song was played from any library but audio credits were taken but song didn't play (FIXED)
BUG: Support for a PNG layer above the fanart but behind everything else didn't layer correctly (FIXED)
BUG: Quick search results could crash out (FIXED)
BUG: Couldn't click the artist track sections on request screen (FIXED)
BUG: If using cross fade some songs wouldn't let you pause them (FIXED)
BUG: Swipe animation animated whole page (FIXED)
BUG: Jump to letter buttons didn't work on filter screen (FIXED)
BUG: Use voucher button showed if there was no voucher or if credits were not enabled (FIXED)
BUG: Swipe animation missed off part of label (FIXED)
BUG: Added to queue didn't show when using cross fade and second media player was playing (FIXED)
BUG: Jukebox was sluggish when second player was playing in crossfade set up
BUG: Show Album/Artist Names check didn't save (FIXED)
BUG: Email user when signs into E-touch check didn't save (FIXED)
BUG: Email user when a song is selected check didn't save (FIXED)
BUG: Prevent cross fade on skip track check didn't save (FIXED)
BUG: Happy hour didn't work (FIXED)
BUG: Clicking close on filter screen wouldn't turn off filter properly if one was set when clicking into the filter screen (FIXED)
BUG: Clicking all albums didn't turn off filter properly if one was set when clicking into the filter screen(FIXED)
BUG: If swipe value was 0 then it would cause issues with clicking on swipe screens (FIXED)
BUG: Swipe only worked correctly if direction was set to be reversed (FIXED)
BUG: Filter screen didn't load the image not found from the skin and as such wouldn't load anything if you didn't have the image (FIXED)

CHANGED: Streaming settings are loaded from the default.txt file.
CHANGED: voucher.dat now stores valid voucher as a byte. (FIXED)
CHANGED: voucher dat now only has one field (2 chars for credit value)
CHANGED: Crossfade options moved to queue settings screen as there was more room and seemed more logical to have them there.
CHANGED: Hide the new artist button a better solution is found.
CHANGED: Key shortcut to skip song will cross fade on dual screen
CHANGED: The main routines have been altered especially for dual screen users.
CHANGED: Vouchers now support a second line, if not blank voucher is kept for use again
CHANGED: Album paging code uses the same code as the swipe mode this seems quicker for album paging than the old code.
CHANGED: BIOS button moved out of CD Cover to main tracklisting screen
CHANGED: Crossfading made more stable.
CHANGED: Vouchers dat file now uses first 2 digits for filename
CHANGED: value in voucher dat file set to 255 for used vouchers
CHANGED: if voucher is used in voucher dat file or voucher txt is rename old user is informed voucher is used.
CHANGED: Online search doesn't flash up warning message for commercial users.
CHANGED: Public_Ket.txt was only saved out if license wasn't present, now saves all the time.
CHANGED: If E-touch DJ is set to use videos, it will fall back to audio if related video isn't found. If Audio also isn't found then use genre.
CHANGED: E-Touch DJ Is now working more efficiently, if your genre tags are spot on it should provide a more tailored random playing experience.
CHANGED: E-Touch DJ is a little quicker at selecting the next song
CHANGED: Track listing code is optimized meaning faster scrolling through album track lists.
CHANGED: E-Touch DJ will now connect to last FM and get simular tracks to try before using the related artists.
CHANGED: Request confirmation screen now shows as soon as the button is clicked before sending the mail and saving it out.
CHANGED: Predictive search now on one line
CHANGED: The whole credit reading routine was read every check for coin, now only if a coin has been entered
CHANGED: Swipe animation and swipe support for the filter screen. Looks nice with a genre bar always displayed.
CHANGED: Swipe animation value now sets the number of pixels scrolled for continuous, 2 should be fast enough. 1 looks better
CHANGED: Second screen should now set up correctly with no monitor ID required
CHANGED: Cross fading on second screen should now be more stable
CHANGED: Some slight speed increase involving happy hour optimization
CHANGED: Confirmation screen should show quicker if enabled
CHANGED: New second screen set up options added and old code enabled
CHANGED: Second screen code again.

ADDED: Jukebox ID to skin loading screen to help with piracy for commercial users.
ADDED: Profiles for random play
ADDED: Online search working again (BETA)
ADDED: test_start.bat called when jukebox starts up
ADDED: top10.jpg generated on start up
ADDED: 3 styles of jingle to use with crossfader
ADDED: Voucher.dat support
ADDED: Ability to select if crossfade is used for skip track.
ADDED: Ability to select if crossfade is used on jingles.
ADDED: 5 Labels for related artists, click them to show albums in quickjumps
ADDED: Artist banner is shown on second screen if you add them to queue
ADDED: Button on play options screen to use a voucher for credits
ADDED: Back space button to pin entry screen
ADDED: A few album detail labels to the more info/bios screen.
ADDED: CD Case image support to BIOS screen
ADDED: Banner images now supported on tracklisting screen (Now Playing and Play choice to come)
ADDED: Transparency settings for banners separate to fanart.
ADDED: Fanart to RSS
ADDED: Album description shown on BIOS screen
ADDED: Support for a default_fanart folder for multiple default fanart, if not found default_fanart.jpg is used first from the fanart folder then the skin.
ADDED: A Button to group by artists (W.I.P)
ADDED: Reset meters now adds a line to meters_all.csv to keep a check on all resets
ADDED: Group by artist should now work correctly
ADDED: Command switch /l loads logo.jpg into splash screen (Commercial only)
ADDED: Group by artist should now work correctly
ADDED: Banner should now load on play options
ADDED: Support for second numerical value in voucher for amount of times it can be used (May change is total is required to be kept)
ADDED: Support for banner to be skinned on play options screen
ADDED: Support for "new top10.bmp" for top 10 image backdrop
ADDED: Clicking Jukebox ID On main screen brings up license page
ADDED: E-touch DJ can now use Audio or Video (Dropdown Added)
ADDED: E-Touch DJ to random play (W.I.P)
ADDED: Checkbox to limit play options to "ADD To Queue" during Happy Hour Freeplay.
ADDED: E-Touch DJ now uses the do not play same artist in X songs feature, will fall back to same genre if related artists have been played or don't exist.
ADDED: Support to have a custom jukebox display ID
ADDED: If custom ID is used it is saved out to "jukebox_ID.TXT"
ADDED: Support for cursor.gif (Animated) in skin images folder (Search screen keyboard only for testing)
ADDED: Support for a PNG layer above the fanart but behind everything else. tracklist_mask.png
ADDED: Random song boolean (True/False) to now playing.dat
ADDED: Cursor.gif support for the request entry boxes.

REMOVED: Some duplicated crossfading code.
REMOVED: Some old unused skin loading code.

BUG: Use AUDIODB checkbox didn't save (FIXED)
BUG: Use AUDIODB only worked if artists,years and genres were also generated (FIXED)
BUG: Downloaded covers were hard coded to cover.jpg and coversmall.jpg they now use the setting from config
BUG: Checking images was being performed if they existed (FIXED)
BUG: Album DB details not downloaded for artists with The in their name and Name swap used (FIXED)
BUG: Some bugs fixed with artist REC files
BUG: It was looking up audio DB data for rec files even if it was not enabled (FIXED)
BUG: Some old testing code was causing it to look for a MDB file (FIXED)
BUG: \artists\audio\rec wasn't saving out correctly if artist had THE and name swap was used (FIXED)
BUG: Grab all from AudioDB wasn't working correctly with the new image locations (FIXED)
BUG: Wouldn't copy 1st image found and resize at the same time. (FIXED)
BUG: For video .tag files it was trying to read the band tag even if use album artist wasn't selected (FIXED)

CHANGED: Last settings were saved in an ini, moved to registry.
CHANGED: New paths to save everything to to
CHANGED: Related artists are retrieved for all Arists\rec\ so it will get them for compilations
CHANGED: Video REC and CVR files are now also saved under artists seperately

ADDED: Attempt to download the CD.jpg if it exists (Currently not used)
ADDED: Get artist missing album covers from AUDIODB
ADDED: Get album description  from AUDIODB and save in album folder as desciption.txt
ADDED: Get artist thumb for artists folder from AUDIODB
ADDED: Get multiple fanart images from AUDIODB (Maximum of 3 supported by AUDIODB)
ADDED: Get Banners from AUDIODB
ADDED: LastFM Related artist search and retrieval from tools.
ADDED: Button to generate artist REC files containing all artist tracks (W.I.P)
ADDED: Command line switch \HIDE should keep config hidden
ADDED: Check box to read Album Artist tag rather than Artist tag

History Edit:
BUG: Make local charts didn't create current month (FIXED)
BUG: Remove online songs button didn't work (FIXED)

ADDED: Button to save history out as a CSV for commerical use

BUG: Rss_back and Bios_back were incorrect causing an error loading skin (FIXED)
BUG: Current skin was loaded from the old E-Touch 9 key (FIXED)
BUG: Jump to letter screen pop up didn't load (FIXED)
BUG: Pop up menu didn't load correctly (FIXED)
BUG: Options_v2.ini wasn't saving out the image paths when editing an existing skin (FIXED)
BUG: Track listing screen didn't load by genre button image (FIXED)
BUG: Pin screen didn't load existing pin images (FIXED)
BUG: Didn't save request screen keyboard images out (FIXED)
BUG: wouldn't load if Black and Blue skin wasn't present as that was the default skin(FIXED)
BUG: Would hang on loading (FIXED)

CHANGED: Menu buttons now support PNG
CHANGED: Free Credit screen is now 100% PNG.
CHANGED: License page can now be sized and positioned
CHANGED: Pin entry screen is now 100% PNG, this is the test for changing the whole skin tool.
CHANGED: Options screen is now 100% PNG.
CHANGED: Request screen now supports PNG
CHANGED: Playlist Save screen now supports PNG
CHANGED: Collections screen now supports PNG
CHANGED: Playlist Load screen now supports PNG
CHANGED: Decades Month Selection screen now supports PNG
CHANGED: Decades Year Selection screen now supports PNG
CHANGED: Search screen now supports PNG
CHANGED: Queue screen now supports PNG
CHANGED: History screen now supports PNG
CHANGED: No matches found on search screen now 100% PNG
CHANGED: Jump to letter pop up now 100% PNG
CHANGED: Pop up menu is now PNG
CHANGED: Mainscreen Navigation Buttons are now PNG
CHANGED: Player Buttons are now PNG
CHANGED: Search results screen is now PNG

ADDED: Support for banner to be skinned on play options screen

REMOVED: Search choice screen as it was no longer used
REMOVED: Genre bar as it was no longer used.

Credit Module:
BUG: It attempted to load Etouch8.exe if there was an issue with the path not Etouch9.exe (FIXED)
BUG: Bonus credit dat file was left open on load preventing settings from being saved correctly. (FIXED)
BUG: Would use the multiplier if it need 1 coin of any value to activate multiplier, now only if it's the same coin type. (FIXED)

ADDED: Save public key out to text file when launched.
ADDED: Error trapping, for some reason it was missing and I was getting an odd error that I now have also fixed.

CVR Creator:
BUG: Didn't save sorted on artist which caused jump to letter issues (FIXED)

CHANGED: Column headings are clickable to sort by year and genre

Non MP3 Tagger:
BUG: Mask wasn't saving to registry or loading from registry (FIXED)

Default Skin:
BUG: options_v2.ini didn't have image paths fixed
BUG: jumptoletter_v2.ini was missing (FIXED)
BUG: pin_v2.ini was incorrect (FIXED)
BUG: tracklisting_v2.ini was incorrect (FIXED)

CHANGED: Some unused ini files removed.

BUG: Was set to point config 8 (FIXED)
BUG: Was not creating shortcuts under E-touch 9 (FIXED)
BUG: Charts were not installing to the correct place (FIXED)

Non Error Trapped Release

Latest version released as a demo.
Keep on Rocking in the Free World \m/ ;D\m/

Jukebox Stats...

Mark Norville


At the moment I am on an evaluation version of Windows 10 so I have not set up the computer with stuff as yet, but I have downloaded the demo only to not be able to un rar it as I do not have WinRAR set up. If you don't mind me making a suggestion I would say that it would be better to use a zip file as windows can extract them without a problem, or at least have two versions but that might cause you some hassle then.


I am now retired from the jukebox scene. I still visit from time to time and will help if I can, but apart from that. I am no longer a slave to downloading and tagging.

Mark Norville

I hate to be a pain but is there any chance that you can put the genre bar back please. I am not sure who has said that they don't use it but I know that personally I do and it is always good to have enough options for a variety of people.

I don't know what the genre bar was about, but I am pulling my hair out with skin tool, wanting to try and make the skin that I want and the genre bar sounds actually what I wanted.


I am now retired from the jukebox scene. I still visit from time to time and will help if I can, but apart from that. I am no longer a slave to downloading and tagging.


Could Someone tell me where to download the DEMO as the link on this page does not work.



I have fixed the link for the demo now, sorry about that.
Keep on Rocking in the Free World \m/ ;D\m/

Jukebox Stats...



Hiya - tried to install this version, pointed to music folder but it gets stuck on "creating database" - never gets past that.


Quote from: jacquescronje on August 25, 2015, 06:06:09 AM
Hiya - tried to install this version, pointed to music folder but it gets stuck on "creating database" - never gets past that.

Use the advanced mode and you can see exactly what is happening. Also if you are running vista or newer make sure that you set each of the exe's to run as admin by right clicking them selecting properties and then under compatibility setting them to run as admin.
Keep on Rocking in the Free World \m/ ;D\m/

Jukebox Stats...



Keep on Rocking in the Free World \m/ ;D\m/

Jukebox Stats...


Yes 'Run as Admin' when installing, Run in advance also but it was stuck at " Generating.. Audio"? how long it will take to generate? the hard drive is blinking..


Quote from: hsant2008 on August 25, 2015, 01:42:17 PM
Yes 'Run as Admin' when installing, Run in advance also but it was stuck at " Generating.. Audio"? how long it will take to generate? the hard drive is blinking..

If you run it in advanced mode you will see the progress, it takes about an hour to process 250,000 tracks on a usb hard drive for me. If it is getting information from the internet like missing album covers etc then it will take much longer the first time. As i say in advanced mode you can see what it is doing.
Keep on Rocking in the Free World \m/ ;D\m/

Jukebox Stats...


using advance, it creating error logs;
"35600","Index out of bounds","Form1","Generate_DB","Config v9.0.4
"380","Invalid property value","Form1","Generate_DB","Config v9.0.4"


Mark Norville

Although it defaults to your program directory e.g C:\Program Files (x86) on install never install to that directory for a lot of programs you will have errors, deinstall and then install into c:\jukebox for example. When you run the config for the first time you are better off going into advanced mode as sometimes one album will not want to be imported. I had one album that would cause a program freeze every time that I tried to update my library so I removed that album and it scraped.

I would not worry about the error log so much although it is supposed to be just for that errors, but even when the system is working fine it still seems to throw up errors for some reason.

I would suggest doing a small import to start with just to get your database available, and then updating when it is done. It does take a bit of time and patience  but worthwhile in the end.


I am now retired from the jukebox scene. I still visit from time to time and will help if I can, but apart from that. I am no longer a slave to downloading and tagging.