
Current Full E-Touch Version: 10.2.0
Current Demo E-Touch Version: 10.0.0
Current Beta: 10.2.1 Beta 22 (09/02/23)

Main Menu

v8.0.17 Demo Released

Started by Barcrest, February 15, 2014, 04:48:06 PM

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Main App:
CHANGED: Made the track listing screen show much quicker.
CHANGED: Altered the history charts back to how they were a couple of releases back.
CHANGED: Load playlist didn't page but moved 1 item at a time, now pages a page at a time
CHANGED: Viewing playlist didn't page but moved 1 item at a time, now pages a page at a time
CHANGED: Predictive search slightly optimized on search screen.
CHANGED: World charts, only alpha-numeric characters, & and - are used when looking for match.
CHANGED: Improvements to speed world chart search
CHANGED: Image no found used for collections with no image
CHANGED: Clicking album covers on quick search results for tracks takes you to the play options
CHANGED: DB loading routine optimized slightly to improve boot time
CHANGED: Bank credit saving and loading code tweaked
CHANGED: Decades/world charts should now display quicker.
CHANGED: Quick search results now show much quicker when typing in a search.
CHANGED: Some big changes to make album paging quicker. (BETA 75 incorrect link)
CHANGED: Made the no_image_found.jpg path a constant throughout the app so anywhere a cover is shown should be quicker. (BETA 75 incorrect link)
CHANGED: Search routine is now noticeably quicker
CHANGED: Attempted fix for the confirmation screen not showing for some (Timers)
CHANGED: Some changes to make album paging quicker
CHANGED: Started Removal of old engine 0 code.
CHANGED: Made the no_image_found.jpg path a constant throughout the app so anywhere a cover is shown should be quicker.
CHANGED: Virtual LED sign will sit at the bottom of the second screen if enabled.
CHANGED: Vitrual LED will not refresh until the sports feed has made a complete pass, other results are buffered up to follow.
CHANGED: Goal.mp3 will only play for each display, if 3 results are buffered you only hear it once.
CHANGED: Optimized the LED sign calling code to speed this up a little.
CHANGED: Moved pin_settings.ini to registry
CHANGED: Moved permissions.ini to registry
CHANGED: Moved betabrite1.ini and betabrite2.ini to registry
CHANGED: Moved coverfiles.ini to registry
CHANGED: covername.ini is no longer used.
CHANGED: Moved terminal_settings.ini to registry
CHANGED: Attract mode images are stretched to fit
CHANGED: Moved mask.ini into registry.
CHANGED: Album paging is even faster.
CHANGED: Whole juke app transparency is moved to the registry.
CHANGED: Slider bubble is above the the bar now.
CHANGED: Song transitions are much quicker if no dead air time is set
CHANGED: DB loading routine optimized slightly to improve boot time
CHANGED: Optimized the LED sign calling code to speed this up a little.
CHANGED: Quick search results now show much quicker when typing in a search.
CHANGED: Some changes to make album paging quicker
CHANGED: Started Removal of old engine 0 code.
CHANGED: Some big changes to make album paging quicker. (BETA 75 incorrect link)
CHANGED: Made the no_image_found.jpg path a constant throughout the app so anywhere a cover is shown should be quicker. (BETA 75 incorrect link)
CHANGED: Search routine is now noticeably quicker
CHANGED: Attempted fix for the confirmation screen not showing for some (Timers)
CHANGED: Some big changes to make album paging quicker.
CHANGED: Made the no_image_found.jpg path a constant throughout the app so anywhere a cover is shown should be quicker.
CHANGED: Attempted fix for the confirmation screen not showing for some (Timers)
CHANGED: Bank credit saving and loading code tweaked
CHANGED: Decades/world charts should now display quicker.
CHANGED: Virtual LED sign will sit at the bottom of the second screen if enabled.
CHANGED: Vitrual LED will not refresh until the sports feed has made a complete pass, other results are buffered up to follow.
CHANGED: Goal.mp3 will only play for each display, if 3 results are buffered you only hear it once.
CHANGED: Moved pin_settings.ini to registry
CHANGED: Moved permissions.ini to registry
CHANGED: Moved betabrite1.ini and betabrite2.ini to registry
CHANGED: Moved coverfiles.ini to registry
CHANGED: covername.ini is no longer used.
CHANGED: Moved terminal_settings.ini to registry
CHANGED: Attract mode images are stretched to fit
CHANGED: Slider bubble appears above horizontal slider
CHANGED: Free credits ever x song default changed to 1 from 0
CHANGED: read in banked credits made a little more robust
CHANGED: Screen now draws before displaying when you click on a filter.
CHANGED: Whilst logged into My E-Touch it will default you back to that screen when using back buttons
CHANGED: Now Playing Adverts should now show on second screen
CHANGED: If you load a playlist then come to save the playlist the file Name will already be populated
CHANGED: If you have second screen set to show for all it will not clear when nothing is playing.
CHANGED: If you use now playing on the second screen, video size is set by the skin.
CHANGED: Track confirmation screen has been moved off search results to it's own screen
CHANGED: licence_page.jpg is first lodaded from app folder, if not found it is loaded from the skin folder.
CHANGED: Seperate transparancy slides for fan art screens.
CHANGED: Improved skin loading code, older skins need to be opened and saved out in the skintool to make them work.
CHANGED: Improved loading time after firs load some DB items are cached in LSC and LSR files.
CHANGED: Clicking show player when player is shown hides player
CHANGED: Some code tweaks to speed things up behind the scenes.
CHANGED: Tweaked the swipe action on the cover flow (TESTING PHASE)
CHANGED: Added now playing jingle image support (advert.avi will look for advert.avi.jpg)
CHANGED: Jingles now play even if there is a queue.
CHANGED: Extensions are not shown on load playlist screen.
CHANGED: Horizontal slider bubble moved above the slider bar.
CHANGED: Skip track and Pause track now use exactly the same code if pressed on screen or key shortcut is used.
CHANGED: When logged into My E-Touch it no longer keeps taking you back to the My E-touch screen after every action. This was buggy.
CHANGED: Now playing screen will now display a corresponding image if found MP3 path & .JPG
CHANGED: Artists RSS feed is now separate labels.
CHANGED: The now playing image that would change per track will now also support a global image
CHANGED: Free credits page now displays every X tracks added, no random addition.
CHANGED: Rss feed will now look for a file in the artists folder and it not there attempt to get artist feed from NME
CHANGED: Nowplaying.dat file now exports 3 extra values
CHANGED: Tidied up the shutdown sequence
CHANGED: Search will now search all if you are viewing most played or new additions and will quick search on audio

ADDED: Email back office code and a test button to check you have it set up correctly.
ADDED: Online options back office button, need an image making for that for BnB default skins.
ADDED: Remove song button to playlist screen.
ADDED: Keyboard to enter email address into My E-Touch (Click enter email address in my E-Touch)
ADDED: Keyboard to enter email address into My E-Touch (Click enter email address in my E-Touch)
ADDED: Jukebox online location for use in emails.
ADDED: Confimation email sent when user enters email address in My E-Touch.
ADDED: Now playing gif is shown on second screen if now playing screen is used.
ADDED: Rating stars will show on second screen now playing if enabled.
ADDED: Ability to have requests emailed to the jukebox account
ADDED: Artist/Band Logo PNG file is now used on track listing screen from \logos\
ADDED: Checkbox to hide the time indicators at the progress bar on the main.
ADDED: E-Snaps buttons and place holder screen
ADDED: Pin setting for E-Snaps
ADDED: Ability to show or hide E-Snaps button
ADDED: Missing images in default 1024 BnB skin
ADDED: Webcam images used on my E-Touch
ADDED: Some E-Snaps code
ADDED: Pusdo Coverflow added
ADDED: Debug code for charts
ADDED: Confirmation page should show when a request is made
ADDED: Album label to search results
ADDED: songfacts.jpg now supported for logo on songfacts
ADDED: songfacts_banner.jpg supported for songfacts backdrop
ADDED: Free Credits Options.
ADDED: My E-Touch Free Credits Button.
ADDED: Main Page Free Credits Button.
ADDED: Free Credits Code.
ADDED: Remote support for "SKIP" command to skip track, for E-Touch App.
ADDED: Remote support for "PAUSE" command to pause, for E-Touch App.
ADDED: Label to show what playlist you are browsing when you have one loaded
ADDED: Button to add playlist to queue first
ADDED: Pin prompt for pop up player controls.
ADDED: Label to track listing page for RSS Feed information.
ADDED: New free credits page
ADDED: Support for winner.mp3 in the same folder as E-Touch to play if free credits is a winner
ADDED: Ability to specify default RSS Feed
ADDED: Support for <STAR> </STAR> in non mp3 tags.
ADDED: Support for artist.rss as a text file with 1 line to an rss feed.
ADDED: Facebook email address for uploading to face book.
ADDED: You can click the RSS labels to see more info in a pop up
ADDED: Support to keep Genre Screen always shown
ADDED: More debug data saved out when loaded with /d
ADDED: Sport RSS Feed
ADDED: Support for goal.mp3 which is played when sport rss fedd is shown.
ADDED: Support for sports RSS feed to go to LED sign
ADDED: 3 text boxes to use to filter sports feed.
ADDED: Sport RSS Feed
ADDED: Support for goal.mp3 which is played when sport rss fedd is shown.
ADDED: Support for sports RSS feed to go to LED sign
ADDED: 3 text boxes to use to filter sports feed.
ADDED: More debug data saved out when loaded with /d
ADDED: Code to prevent negative credits loading from temp file
ADDED: Ability to turn off the shuffle queue button
ADDED: Support for shutdown.mp3 when jukebox is shutdown.

REMOVED: Old redundant ini loading code.
REMOVED: Final parts of old Engine=0 active movie code

A few months of work here are the updated V8 features brought into the demo release.
Keep on Rocking in the Free World \m/ ;D\m/

Jukebox Stats...



Keep on Rocking in the Free World \m/ ;D\m/

Jukebox Stats...



New member here. Trying to decide on what software I want to use, but will not pay for anything I cannot try first which is why I want to try a demo.

I an unable to download this demo or earlier demos due to my antivirus saying the files have a virus. I am using Avast. May be a false positive, but not sure as the virus is Win32:Dropper-gen [Drp] which supposedly a really bad trojan if it is real.

Anyone else getting this warning with Avast or other AV software?


There was a false positive with Symantec a while back but that no longer flags it up, not sure about avast. All I can say is that it doesn't show up as having a virus for me using Norton or Microsoft Security Essentials.
Keep on Rocking in the Free World \m/ ;D\m/

Jukebox Stats...


I will see if I can get it downloaded and scan it with a couple of other AV programs just to be safe.


Same problem here,can't even download the zip before Avast blocks it.


You will have to make your own call however I am as sure as I can be that it's a false positive.
Keep on Rocking in the Free World \m/ ;D\m/

Jukebox Stats...


Hi I paid the donation but not sure where to download the software?


hello how to download the demo version ?

Mark Norville

The latest demo is version 9.0.4 so you might want to find that in the demo release and download that. The software is now on version 9.

You will see a download link after all the information that has been added and changed.


I am now retired from the jukebox scene. I still visit from time to time and will help if I can, but apart from that. I am no longer a slave to downloading and tagging.