
Current Full E-Touch Version: 10.2.0
Current Demo E-Touch Version: 10.0.0
Current Beta: 10.2.1 Beta 22 (09/02/23)

Main Menu

V6 Is Ready...

Started by Barcrest, July 29, 2010, 08:54:08 AM

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Main App:
BUG: Clicking the labels on the filter screen didn't show you the associated albums (FIXED)
BUG: Some thumbnails were showing but were blank and caused issues when clicked (FIXED)
BUG: having imagenotfound.jpg was only pulled for genres not artist or years (FIXED)
BUG: Clicking the filtered on label on album view caused the filter not to page if default (FIXED)
BUG: Quick Links at top of search didn't work (FIXED)
BUG: If you paged to end of genres/years/artists the empty spaces didn't blank (FIXED)
BUG: Not showing the imagenotfound.jpg on the thumbnails of the filter screen (FIXED)
BUG: Clicking on thumbnails in empty queue caused a crash(FIXED)
BUG: Jukebox loaded up with a filter applied (FIXED)
BUG: Clicking blank thumbnails on the filter screen is possible causing issues. (FIXED)
BUG: karaoke availble button doesn't show up. (FIXED)
BUG: Clicking a thumbnail album from the genre filter didn't reset track list scroll (FIXED)
BUG: Radio stats in my E-touch displayed on the audio label (FIXED)
BUG: Switching to a V6 skin from a V5 didn't show the jump to letter button on filter (FIXED)
BUG: Sometimes it would crash on track listing from filter screen (FIXED)
BUG: Preforming a search from filter screen showed label34 insteead of searching on audio (FIXED)
BUG: Karaoke availble button didn't do anything when pressed (FIXED)
BUG: Filter thumnails only showed 3 as a max not 4 (FIXED)
BUG: My Top 10 and ALL Buttons didn't hide correctly if no user was logged in (FIXED)
BUG: Clicking on mytop20 will offer to play from all top 20 if top label isn't click (FIXED)
BUG: Version numbering was wrong on splash screen (FIXED)
BUG: Random Playlist settings were not saved (FIXED)
BUG: Crashed loading non V6 updated skins (FIXED)
BUG: Request keyboard number keys didn't input the correct values (FIXED)
BUG: Submit request crashed if you were logged in. (FIXED)
BUG: My E-Touch checkbox in button settings didn't save (FIXED)
BUG: Didn't default to the skin default screen on load (FIXED)
BUG: If filter screen was default didn't show info until paged (FIXED)
BUG: History didn't show on terminal (FIXED)
BUG: Top 10/Hot Hits Didn't show on terminal (FIXED)
BUG: Crashed when building most played if the genres folder didn't exist (Fixed)
BUG: Skins didn't show the correct genre icon display based on what was set (FIXED)
BUG: Add album to queue and add album to front of queue both added album in reverse order (FIXED)
BUG: Album Button On Menu Didn't Work if Album Screen Wasn't Default (FIXED)
BUG: Clicking albums button ment you couldn't always browse (FIXED)
BUG: Show By Genre or Year in My E-Touch Didn't Work (FIXED)
BUG: Genre and Year labels were swapped in My E-Touch (FIXED)
BUG: Last Song Played On didn't populate in my E-Touch (FIXED)
BUG: Clicking show by genre, year or artist didn't clear My E-Touch (FIXED)
BUG: Pick a track from search results then click back to view results lost entries 1 and 2 (FIXED)
BUG: Jump to start didn't work on filter screen (FIXED)
BUG: My E-touch doesn't hide on load if not enabled (FIXED)
BUG: Download button strips off extension in some instances (FIXED)
BUG: Clear search button didn't clear the quick search info (FIXED)
BUG: Clicking the quick search didn't work properly if a genre, year or artist library was selected (FIXED)
BUG: Video availble button would appear if you were alredy on videos (FIXED)
BUG: Karaoke availble button sometimes appeared in error (FIXED)
BUG: My E-touch doesn't hide on load if not enabled (FIXED)
BUG: Download button strips off extension (FIXED)
BUG: Clear search button didn't clear the quick search info (FIXED)
BUG: Clicking the quick search didn't work properly if a genre, year or artist library was selected (FIXED)
BUG: Video availble button would appear if you were alredy on videos (FIXED)
BUG: Karaoke availble button sometimes appeared in error (FIXED)
BUG: Back on playlist takes you to the album screen even if that is not the set default screen. (FIXED)
BUG: on search screen using back space to clear search keyword didn't clear quickjumps (FIXED)
BUG: .TAG file didn't read in track duration (FIXED)
BUG: adding tracks with a , in the path crash if sent from terminal (FIXED)
BUG: Access denied errors adding songs from terminal (FIXED)
BUG: Forum image displayed the wrong cover (FIXED)
BUG: First song played when loaded says no song playing (FIXED)
BUG: Remote request songs from terminal didn't work (FIXED)
BUG: Hung on shutdown (FIXED)
BUG: Decades charts don't work if first artist track starts with a number (FIXED)
BUG: Add Album To Queue is in reverse order (FIXED)
BUG: Extra album frames showing on load. (FIXED)
BUG: Remote terminal not showing queue. (FIXED)
BUG: filenames that have a "&" in them are being displayed as "_" (FIXED)
BUG: Quick Search covers show from last search when selecting search (FIXED)
BUG: Playcounts were wrong when logging into my E-Touch and selecting a track (FIXED)
BUG: Clicking thumbnail cover didn't take you to the album under MY Top 10 (FIXED)
BUG: Quick search on Track didn't work for karaoke or video(FIXED)
BUG: Time was shown as ( ) in queue if time wasn't tagged (FIXED)
BUG: Years in the future were shown on the decades years screen (FIXED)

CHANGED: No need to log out and back in to refresh My E-Touch
CHANGED: Adding songs to the queue is now faster (Really speeds up Add Album Functions)
CHANGED: .Tag reading to be compatible with touchtraxx .TAG files
CHANGED: .TAG Reading code, now 100% Compatible with Touchtraxx and old method
CHANGED: If keep now playing shown is enabled it will be shown from jukebox load.
CHANGED: Jukebox Stats now format correctly.
CHANGED: Clicking All Albums on filter screen will default to the default library set in options
CHANGED: Some code tweaks and improvements to the .TAG reading code.
CHANGED: Songs added to correct users history even if logged off
CHANGED: Click cover on decades screen offers play options, no longer shows album
CHANGED: Clicking labels on play options screen now doesn't do anything

ADDED: Jump to letter button on the genre screen
ADDED: Add Album To Front Of Queue button.
ADDED: Show More by Artist, Genre and Year buttons working in My E-Touch
ADDED: Number buttons to the request screen keyboard.
ADDED: Log username in the request.
ADDED: Can now skin numbers on request keyboard.
ADDED: Cancel Button to My E-Touch login page.
ADDED: My E-Touch Feature, about 70% complete
ADDED: My Top 10 Button works from My E-Touch Screen
ADDED: My History Button works from My E-Touch Screen
ADDED: Show number of albums in filter options
ADDED: Jukebox stats now pupulate the my e-touch screen
ADDED: Ability to skin the number of albums in genre,artist & year library label
ADDED: Quick jump support to filter pages
ADDED: Track played count to the tracklisting screen
ADDED: Quickjump now works correctly on filter pages
ADDED: Clicking the album cover on play options takes you to that album
ADDED: Quick search results now work when searching on a track
ADDED: Ability to show album thumbnails next to quick search results
ADDED: User Name now shown on queue.
ADDED: Show chart image on decade chart screen
ADDED: Click chart image or viewing chart label takes you to chart selection screen
ADDED: Clickable Thumnail for last song played on My E-Touch

BUG: hot hits gif change size on skin load (FIXED)
BUG: Key highlighting colour might not load back into skintool (FIXED)
BUG: The My E-Touch login page didn't clear when selecting naother page to work on (FIXED)
BUG: Animated GIF's were loading into the wrong frames (FIXED)
BUG: Animated GIF's were loading into the wrong frames (FIXED)
BUG: Couldn't change the font or font size on E-Touch Login Pages (FIXED)
BUG: Top 10 gif position and size loaded wrong (FIXED)
BUG: Couldn't alter the label colours on the genre screen. (FIXED)
BUG: Unused labels still showed on the genre screen. (FIXED)
BUG: Various bug fixes to make same size etc...
BUG: Genre filter page wasn't hiding and showing stuff correctly
BUG: One label didn't pick up the font or size when skin was saved on decades screen (FIXED)

CHANGED: Loading process has changed so it doesn't appear to have hung.
CHANGED: My E-Touch Button on pop up menu was mis labelled ALBUMS

ADDED: Jump to letter button on the genre screen
ADDED: Ability to set any page to be the default page in place of the album screen
ADDED: Ability to skin filter quickjumps
ADDED: Ability to skin track played count
ADDED: Can now skin numbers on request keyboard.
ADDED: Can now skin numbers on request keyboard.
ADDED: Key Highlight Colour can be skinned
ADDED: My E-Touch Menu Button Can Be Skinned
ADDED: My Top 10 and All buttons on top 10 screen can be skinned
ADDED: My History Button Can Be Skinned
ADDED: My E-Touch Login Screen Can Be Skinned.
ADDED: You can now skin the My E-Touch screen
ADDED: Ability to skin the number of albums in genre,artist & year library label
ADDED: Added support to keep now playing screen always shown.
ADDED: Add Album To Front Of Queue button is now skinable.
ADDED: Ability to skin the new quick search tumbnails
ADDED: User Name now shown on queue can be skinned
ADDED: Ability to skin new parts of decades chart screen
ADDED: Support for new thumnail on My E-Touch

BUG: If the last album had 1 track it didn't show in album view (FIXED)
BUG: Defaulted to V5 of the main app for launching (FIXED)
BUG: If folder had media and there were sub folders they were not picked up (FIXED)
BUG: Update duplicated tracks in the REC File (FIXED)
BUG: Config appeared to hang at various points (FIXED)
BUG: Some settings were not saved on exit(FIXED)

CHANGED: To clear filter libraries there is a new checkbox as some people didn't want to clear them.
CHANGED: Search code should hopefully be more robust, and maybe slightly quicker though i'm not 100% on the speed.
CHANGED: Totally new search routine, more reliable and faster
CHANGED: .TAG Reading code, now 100% Compatible with Touchtraxx and old method
CHANGED: Some code tweaks and improvements to the .TAG reading code.

ADDED: Labels to show what is happening during build process

Non MP3 Tagger:
CHANGED: .TAG Reading code, now 100% Compatible with Touchtraxx and old method


This is going through the final pre-release testing, it should be released by the end of the month  :beer
Keep on Rocking in the Free World \m/ ;D\m/

Jukebox Stats...